воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

conocophillips.com hrconnections

Just given notice on my flat. I loved the place when I first moved here. Fully furnished, great area, nice neighbours - it was grand. But the last year Iapos;ve suffered from a whole shedload of plumbing problems and now I just want to get out of here. Itapos;s not so much the problems that bothered me, as much as having to deal with my landlordapos;s dad.

As my landlord lives in Portugal, Iapos;m supposed to contact his dad whenever there are any problems with the flat. The trouble is that his dad is a cunt. A massive cunt. Festering, really. He judged me as soon as he met me, and always treated me with a certain patronising contempt - the sort practised by east-end cockney tradesmen on the people they bilk for jobs. Last time there was a leak I heard him loudly telling the landlord from downstairs that it was my fault. And he hasnapos;t even bothered getting back to me about the latest problem.

So now Iapos;m getting the hell out of Dodge, and aiming to move back in with my brother in January. I need to anyway, as my finances are up shit-creek too. Iapos;m nearly 10 grand in debt all told, between student loans, credit cards, and the loan I had to take out to pay off my credit cards. >.<

Common sense and responsibility are not my strong points. On the other hand, I do have a lovely PC and too many games.

Aside from this, Iapos;m also screwed because I canapos;t get my dissertation done. Mostly because I donapos;t want to do it. I resent it enormously, much as Iapos;ve resented the entire Masters degree, as being one big waste of time. Iapos;m supposed to have it mostly written by December, to hand in for January, and I havenapos;t even really started. I have to pull 15,000 words out of my ass and make them palatable enough to get a pass. I should never have started the damned Masters. I have a hard enough time getting my head together enough to make it through a working week, let alone spend my free time studying. Technically, the whole degree is nearly finished, but itapos;s never felt further away.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

carpet shampoo recipe

Did work, got paid, bought internet today. Fairly satisfied with consistent connection. Got phone turned back on. Received postcard from NY in mail today, along with voter registration card, was instructed to report to church to vote. Clocked hour number 70 in Disgaea DS. Window shopped for bicycle. Havenapos;t switched channel from MSNBC in days, canapos;t tear eyes away from Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow. Getting by on 4 hours sleep a night. I wish I could sleep forever.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

bill clinton election information

Heyyy guys.
Well its finally friday again, and guess what.
Results are all out.
Dang i think my overall is like 60 or 61.
I really really hope i can get into the top 20 at least
Somemore my class is like full of smart people like Mr Khoon Hwa~~
Had school cleanup todayyyy.
Was kinda fun Haha esp the part where Chetan was chasing me round and round, to no avail. :P
Except when MrSara walked past, so i had to stop :O
And i beat BingLun in armwrestling TWICE Muahahaha hardwork does pay off eh?
If only i could say the same about my studies
But i lost some money to him while playing carom
NCC training was kinda fun today.
Had the challenge quest training first Woo how refreshing that was.
Lets see.. 100 pushups, 100 situps, 2 rounds.
Not bad eh?
Played soccer after tht all the way until the end of training.

Haha. Anyway, thereapos;s no school on monday. Promotion day.
Promotion day.
Aww man those guys who are fighting to promote i really wish you guys the best of luck man i donapos;t want any of you to retain
Itapos;s gonna be really sad.

Hmmmmmmmm. Thereapos;s match tmr. At SAFRA. 1pm. Fans are welcome :D

You are getting kinda irritating.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

continental bakery birmingham alabama

This parenting course... Well. I suppose I have seen more inane school projects in my life. Not that any come to mind right now.

If this is supposed to be a "parenting" course, why are there so many groups of three? Surely abiding by the class borders is not that important an issue? And, in the interests of equality, should we not have a couple of single parents as well? (No, Fuji, Shiraishi, this is not an offer to take care of the toy alone.)

In any case, what exactly is it supposed to teach us, looking after a screaming lump of plastic? Or is the purpose merely to scare us away from the mere thought of ever becoming parents? Though granted, even this one weekapos;s torture will probably be more parenting than my mother ever did for me.

Fuji? Shiraishi? Your thoughts on the matter?

(OOC: Strikes so very, very deleted.)
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